Southern Comfort

He kept on playing and became deaf and blind to his surroundings, hearing and seeing nothing but the ocean of which he had grown to hold a great love for. The ocean seemed to like the song he played for it he liked to think because it roared more and the waves swelled, growing and shrinking, rising and falling with greater enthusiasm. Spray rose from its surface like so many disturbed birds and he gladly breathed in the hearty smell, in another life and time maybe Lorenzo would have become a sailor, forever roaming the oceans that he adored so much and maybe perhaps even in this one he would have eventually but fate was about to cut that path short before it even began, a destined meeting with his flower girl, Juliet. Of course Lorenzo was not to know this yet for the said meeting had not occurred but it would be very soon for him, hours at the most when Lorenzo in the end decides to go hunting later in the day for birds with a certain slingshot.

He had been playing for a long time it seemed before he began to come back to the here and now, his mind having been wandering many miles away. A horse's nicker had his hands and lips stilling, the breath dieing in his throat as he looked around for whoever it was that was nearby. A female voice with a southern twang came to his ears and from seemingly thin air the cowgirl appeared with her steed like a ghost in the night. She sat next to him and he coughed awkwardly,

"aheerr ah don't reelly play fer people. Uhm nahboody has herd meh play beefore." He shifted uncomfortably now, the music within had faded as his social inadequacies came to the fore.

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