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Dawn's Breath :3 Maybe..a cave-in sometime during this?

It wasn't often that she found something that really surprised her, but this territory definitely did it. Ember had never seen such a beautiful place...and she'd been more than willing to begin exploring it earlier that morning. But now that she'd gone farther in, she'd found that it wasn't quite as magestic as she had first thought. In fact, it was downright dangerous. The curious young female stopped for a moment, investigating one of the rocks that lay near the entrance to the cave system. There was a cracked eggshell there that was the same color as the sky overhead--a bright, even blue...but no bird.

She looked up over her head to the nooks in the hillside, but couldn't see any signs that animals lived there. If she had known the low speech of the creatures she would have shouted at them...but it wasn't something that anyone in either of the three packs she'd lived in had practiced. Talking to animals.

There was a war going on, apparently, but somehow Labrynth Glen had been left out of the loop. Ember knew next to nothing about it, only having heard about one fight that had happened in Shadowed Sun, so she wasn't sure what to think. Inferni was always attacking the wolves, and the wolves were always attacking Inferni. To her, it sounded like a communication problem.

Bright green eyes stared into the darkness that lay inside the dripping caves, considering. She'd gone this far, but she wouldn't be able to say that she had really explored Dawn's Breath unless she went all the way. It was around noon now...she could make it back to the pack in time to find her spot beneath the boulder. She started in, four paws splashing in the shallow water that ran beneath them.


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