Always in this twilight...
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OOC: Tongue +5(SSWM: 689)
My lungs they start to ache, but still we carry on.

Oh, so this time Shawchert was actually there, on the scene, probably just making things worse rather than actually making things better. Mars did not know the whole story, just things his brain was making up at the moment, assuming the worst possible thing every time he was told more about this. He did not speak to the woman though he did not let her know what he was thinking, but the colder expression that fell over his face would tell a million stories to one whom knew the male enough for them to be able to follow his mindset. The woman seemed sad as she turned towards her steed and she had walked it instead of rode. It made the travel slightly more awkward, if only because those whom would see them would be confused as to why they were one mounted and one not. Mars did not care for onlookers though, he paced himself to lead the woman, and they were silent as they moved through the lands, the crunch of snow beneath the feet of the animals were the only sound filling the air. Mars was as quiet as his title had suggested, there were no words until they had reached their destination and they were behind closed doors. The building was pretty unorganized, and the animals that lived in there were free to roam wherever they wanted, which was gratefully only on the first floor. Mars had a conspiracy that Axel was too stupid to learn to climb stairs and Vox was too fat. Senorita was also too big for it.

Mars had gotten from his mount and he led the beast into the warmer building and then he turned to Orin. He motioned his hands to signal that she could just let spot run freely in the area. The woman was then distracts by the black ram, whom had come to greet her fondly. Axel had warmed up to the woman over the meetings she had had with the ram, and so he gratefully took her pets and hugs as a sign of affection and he nibbled lightly on her loose hairs to return the favor the only way he knew how to. Well you know, besides humping, and that was something that nobody wanted to see. Mars did not remember that Bartholomew had met Axel, and that was the first time that Orin and Axel met Bartholomew, and nor did Mars realize that Orin met Bartholomew. It was something that they had not spoken about. He had never brought the issue up, mostly because he assumed she had not met him since she had never said anything about it to him. Mars was not aware that Orin knew more than he thought she did. He thought she was still living in blissful ignorance about what Mars was exactly. I'm sure he missed you too. spoke the male, his glasses taken from his face and shoved in his pockets and then he crossed his arms over his broad chest and shifted his weight onto his left hip, which gave him a weird, almost feminine look to the way he was standing. One mismatched ear had bent back and the other was pointed towards her. He cleared his throat and then looked from the vibrant hair of the woman to where there were chairs, long abandoned and used occasionally by Mars when he had to do things in here.

He moved to the chairs and then he looked back to Orin and offered her a chair with a wave of his hand. Here, sit there. Tell me what happened. Was there a specific reason you sought out myself? No one in CDA to console you? asked Mars Russo, his head cocking lightly as he pulled both of his triangular ears towards her, to listen to the story she had to tell him. He grabbed his guitar from the ground where he had set it for a moment and he had put it on his lap. He did not play anything yet though, but maybe he would during the duration of her story or something.

Mars speaks Bartholomew Speaks Hurricane Speaks

I'm choking on my words like I got a noose around my neck

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