the musty smell of decay
Firefly really thought nothing of those of the past, except that if they did come around it was more for the livings sake than their own. They had to be in a better place if they weren't here all the time, or perhaps they'd forgotten the whole world they'd once belonged to. She really didn't know, they could sit here forever and ponder the ways of the ghostly and yet still never know anything so she jusst smiled at the words and shrugged. "You never know why anything happens really..." she said matter of factly to the stranger.

When he spoke of where he was born being like home she didn't stop to correct him that these lands here were where she was born and should have been home, yet she would never truly claim them as thus, her spirit belonged somewhere else, or to someone else, not to these lands of her birth. She smiled a slight smile when he moved on and invited her to see the treasures of him he'd stolen away to these strange lands. She nodded in agreement as she spoke. "I'd like that.. these worlds are filled with so many differences it's hard to believe the changes, even when you'd lived here I while I'd bet.." She of course didn't know herself, she'd only been here a small while too, but maybe in time she'd find out.

That slight smile fell upon her lips again as the smoky male as her what in the world was keeping her here. She honestly didn't know. A promise, a dark and dangerous male, a wonder of tomorrow. She couldnt' truly answer him but she could try. "I'm not certain, perhaps just dreams of what tomorrow may bring.. but just walking the lay of the lands and all the beauties here is enough to take your breath away. There's an old human city to, for a little adventure into their strange and mysterious world.. but I've always been a drifter somewhere deep inside.. maybe that's why I'm here. It was a steady life in Eire, here.. there's always something new crammed into this coastal valley." She wasn't for certain if she'd spoken the truth or lied through her teeth.. tomorrow would only know.

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