Great is the art of beginning
Zalen Damaichu
OOC :: Hurpadurpa, I’m stupid XD This can be the last post if you want it to be. We need to get our tails in gear to get ND started!| WC :: +281

Titania mentioned a name that was not familiar; Ichika no Ho-en; that must be what this pack was. Zalen nudged his mate gently on the chin, "It is not Anathema, I lived by that pack so long I recognize their scents. This must then be Ichika as you said." A pack so close to their territory, but it seemed as if this was something that couldn’t be avoided, "Do you know anything of them? What kind of pack is it?" He wanted to learn as much as possible about their potential neighbors, they would be hard pressed to establish a pack near a territory such as Salsola or Inferni, he hoped against hope that Ichika was not like these others.

Titania suggested that they call upon the leadership and introduce themselves but Zalen shook his head, "No, this would not be wise. It is only us two, and if they chose not be friendly or happy about a new pack being established so close to them we would not stand a chance. No, let us wait until we have gathered all of our members; then they will be hard pressed to snuff us out." And with the subject closed Zalen turned south, back towards where he knew his den must be.

The two wolves walked in the stillness of night, close to each other, as one being. Zalen was tired, but he must press forward and gather Soran and the other’s if he could, "When we get to the den, you may rest my love, I will continue onto Crimson Dreams." But as he said this he couldn’t help but let forth a yawn, at which he smiled at Titania wearily.

i will follow you 'til the ends of the earth, my love
template by revo. <3


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