Contributions & updates contest, Trivia Quiz

The Contributions game
Unfortunately, the contributions game only recieved one submission, which means that they automatically win first prize. On the other hand, this contributor put some serious effort into their submission, so there is no doubt that they deserve this prize. Tammi runs off with the first prize, a Mel reference and Marit CSS / other Marit code of her choice. Congrats! Smile

The Trivia Quiz
This contest had 6 participants. It was really close between all the contesters, but ultimately the winner is Jace with a score of 41 out of 48 possible! Congrats on your icon! Smile

Fun facts:
  • Everybody failed the question of where the Great Tribe is located. It was an intentionally difficult question, and the right answer is "Near Minnesota"!
  • Everyone but one contester forgot that Dawali was also a Master
  • Nobody knew what the meaning of the Sedali rank was! It means "Six", because an Ayule (youngster) is given this rank at six months old.
  • Everyone were spot on about our vegetables! Tongue
  • Hardly anyone knew that the members of the tribe whose primary task is to teach the children are the Itse.
  • Everyone were spot on about our legendary subterritory Grandfather's Tears.

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