craft me something
OOC: hope this is okay? xD i've got an idea of something that Rain could maybe make for Octa. Smile

There was a new critter to be added to his collection. Octavius streaked through the caves quickly, holding the little squirming thing between his teeth gently, trying his hardest not to squeeze too hard. It’s tail whipped back and slapped him against the face a few times as it struggled to get away. His gave was just up ahead! Yipping low in his throat, he jumped for the little hole in the wall and ducked in, pushing the stiff leather door away, running towards the back and dropping the long, slim legged amphibian before it began wriggling around again. The little thing hit the ground and took off, skittering into the small pool of warm water in the corner and vanishing. Octa giggled softly and backed away, grabbing the chunk of leathery skin and tugging it up into place as he walked out.

The outdoors had become cold, and venturing into the muddy swampy lands was getting harder for the young pup. Currently his coat was nice and clean, for he had run through a fresh spring while coming home with the salamander. Mama wouldn’t have liked mud prints on the ground again. Now he was really cold, still damp from the chilly water and out of the sun. His nose led him towards fire and he entered one of the big rooms, giving the male wolf a large, pup toothed smile as he walked over and flopped down in front of the fire. He was panting and coughing a little from the running and the cold, his chubby little belly heaving and huffing with each inhale and exhale.

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