Sometimes Things Are Too Broken

She looked upset as the woman started, she hadn't meant to frighten her! Her large ears pulled against her head and she whispered an apology to the dog woman. An apologetic look springing to her eyes. She made no comment about the cloth tied around the other's muzzle, she had seen many weird things in her short life, that this woman didn't even register on the scale of things that Gemma considered weird, what was weird to her would most likely be horrifying to other, normal people who didn't have a messed up brain and strange sense of morals. She knew that she reeked of old alcohol and gave the woman a sheepish smile, she couldn't help the smell just yet, not until she had found something to mask it. Gemma clenched her hands together in an unconscious gesture that was fast becoming a nervous habit for her.

Isle? Island? Gemma didn't know the different between the two but again she made no comment on it, just nodded her head and smiled in an awkward way. Gemma had never been exposed to other females apart from her mother and sisters in all her life until she had come to this area of the world. It left her feeling strange and out of place, like an unwanted guest. She fidgeted as the other woman turned back to her and her eyebrows rose in surprise as she asked Gemma to join her for some tea... what was tea? Her eyes flickered back and forth in a slightly panicky way, this woman was being so kind to her, offering her a seat and a blanket and this.. tea stuff. Why?

Tentatively, almost like a frightened doe, Gemma took the blanket from her hand and sat down where was offered with slow short movements. Her eyes remained upon the woman at all times, almost suspiciously, waiting for a betrayal of any kind. Her mother had loved playing the cruel joke of pretending to forget her hatred for her white daughter and claim to love her only to laugh harshly as young Gemma was overjoyed. It was an act she had fallen for several times. She sank down and wrapped the blanket around her as directed,

"I'm Gemma." Simple. She didn't need to spread around her other name, one that she was proud and also ashamed of for it connected her to Lucifer. "W- what is tea?" An ear raised timidly, separating itself from its brother that was pulled against her head. Zera'im. That was a strange name, unusual for Gemma had never heard it before but then, Gemma didn't have much experience to go on so had no knowledge whether or not it was common or rare. "Thank you for the blanket Zera'im." Meek, something close to childlike, her voice was soft like a gentle summer breeze, afraid that if she talked too loudly she would break the spell and reveal this kindness to be false and the perceived blessing to be a curse upon her.

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