And i will walk on water
so why am i ten feet under and upside down

barely surviving has become my purpose

cause I'm so used to living underneath the surface
Word Count :: 426 Onto fishing, yes?

Green eyes peeked out through his over grown fringe, strings of grey hair blocking some of his vision but didn't quite hide the brown male from his sight. It was a stupid, foolish pups mistake; heck, he had no idea why he didn't think to check the males scent, only that he'd been caught by surprise and panicked.... just a little. Closing his eyes he desperately wished the strange male would disappear and that everything that had happened would just be a bad dream, that the humiliation and his foolishness would cease to exist. Yet, when his eyes opened the other was still there and that meant he'd have to face the consequences of his actions. Tensing his muscles he waited for the other to strike, for that's what adults did; when someone wronged them they resorted to violence.

No punishing blow came, instead the stranger laughed at him and told him to relax. Blinking in surprise he raised his head a faction more, titling it slightly he outright staring at the other in surprise and an inkling of respect began to form in the young lad... until the male continued to speak, crushing all feelings of respect instantly. Lifting his head completely he crossed his arms across his chest in silent defiance, his maw clamped tightly shut to prevent him from speaking what came to mind; he'd already made enough of a fool of himself and he planned to make damn well sure that he didn't give the other any more reasons to tease him.

Shuffling his feet, he pushed himself up of the ground and fetched the nets, sitting himself where they'd fallen, back turned to the strange male in a childish attempt to dismiss the other. Thankfully the nets hadn't gotten too badly tangled from being dropped and he quickly began to tug them about . Grabbing the end of the net he was working on he shook it out before him, smiling when it was clear he'd gotten the majority of the knots and tangles out. Without looking at the other he gathered all his courage up, “If you ain't got nothing better to do, wanna help me fish? Dunno if there's gonna be many in there under the ice, but, eerrrm, well, I can, um” his trail of thought was lost and he couldn't think what to say, his hands fiddled with the nets to give them something to do. “I, uh, I, eerrm, I can give you half what we catch?” he asked, refusing to look at the other male.<style>
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