And i will walk on water

I wasn't sure which part of the river you were having them fish at, so I left this kinda vague. ^^

It was pleasing to see the once haughty boy behave as a child, showing his excitement and speaking quickly. He was still young, so for him to behave in such a manner suggested there was more to his life then the simple upbringing one would expect. Anatole wondered if he had been present for the war, but doubted such a thing. Any wise mother would have done as his had and taken her children away from such violence. The North had certainly hardened Anatole, but he was not unnecessarily cruel. His world had taught that one repressed the weak and respected the strong.

“I’ve never fished with nets,” the older wolf admitted. “But I do know how to break ice. I spent much of my life in a land much colder than this one.” Motioning for the boy to follow, Anatole headed towards the frozen water. A cautious step suggested there was enough ice to support their weight, at least for a small distance. “Be careful as you go, and avoid any cracks. We’ll try and find a soft patch to break through.” Toes spread out, Anatole took another ginger step onto the ice. A patch of darker colored ice and small cracks was not far from them, and to the scout it seemed a perfect place to try their luck.

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