Wish upon a star, squire!
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Word Count :: 415 Eeee, this post sucks <.< Sorry! <3

Silently he watched the other, forest green eyes full of impatience to hear the strange males answer; it had been awhile since he'd ridden and now that he'd thought about it he truly wished to own a horse of his own. Following the others movements he listened to the other speak, pleading silently to who knows what that there would be a horse available for him to ride or borrow; as the dark coloured make spoke of a horse he found himself looking over to 'Rohan' as Frodo gestured towards her, then turning to look at Buck. Stepping away from the mare's stool he made his way over to Buck's stable, barley stopping himself from rashly running over and startling everything within the stables. Propping himself up on the wooden door, he peered over the stool door to get a good look at the horse and found himself grinning like a pup on it's birthday as soon as his eyes fell upon him; the male was stunningly coloured like the white mare, but in shades of cream with a thick, long black mane and tail.

Turning his head back to Frodo, he flashed the older male a huge, childish grin, “Can I really ride him? He don't belong to anyone?” he asked, double checking that he'd heard the other right. Not waiting for the males answer he went and fetched a saddle and bridle that looked like they'd fit buck; having been taught to ride with a saddle and bridle he chose to go with what he knew, rather then attempt to show of to Frodo and ride without them. Entering into Buck's stool he quickly secured the tack onto the stallion, stroking down the horses cream neck slowly.

Opening the stool door he turned back to Buck and quickly pulled himself onto the stallions back, grasping the reigns lightly and praying the horse was fair tempered. Applying pressure to Bucks sides he was pleased when the thoroughbred responded without any trouble and within moments he was out of the stable. Bringing the stallion to a halt he waited for Frodo to catch up, fiddling with the reigns and fidgeting so that he got more comfortable; as well as moving his spear around so that it sat in a more accessible position upon his back. “Hurry up. Ain't got all day old man” he shouted to Frodo, buzzing with expectation and excitement for the coming hunt, despite having no idea how to hunt from horseback.

Image courtesy of Jeffrey K. Edwards

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