Wish upon a star, squire!
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Word Count :: 523 Ahiga finds his speech hilarious xD

The stallion beneath him was seemingly well trained or so first impressions had led the young hunter to believe, for Buck, as the old man had named him, was responding to touch smoothly with only a small amount of delay between rider and horse. Childish glee flooded through him and he couldn't wait for the other to get out and mounted, couldn't wait to ride again. Stroking the horses neck lightly he couldn't help but admire the pale colouration which contrasted nicely with the stallions pitch black mane. “Buck is it? Ya gonna be mine now, ain't cha” he whispered to the horse, claiming ownership of the cream beauty and already plotting and designing how he would alter the horses coat with his dyes, for nothing was better then a living canvas; he himself was a living breathing example of his own spontaneous urge to paint and dye things, the black tribal design swirling up his side and on of his arms.

When Frodo responded he simply blinked at the darker males then broke out into hysterical laughter, Buck only startling at the sudden noise a for a second before settling down. Still laughing when the other appeared out from the depths of the stables, he flashed green eyes to the spear he had recently acquired and carried with him; one that he had no idea how to use, all he could do was point out the, well, pointy end and that was about it. His smile fell a little, but he refused to admit to a stranger that he could use it properly, for he was a Nishant and he would not allow another to think he was incapable of using something as simple as a spear, for no doubt his sisters and brother would laugh if they found out. Stubbornly he raised his head, “I know 'nough 'bout it” he answered without really answering the males question. Listening to the rule the other spoke off he pulled a face before he could stop himself, for what the male said sounded stupidly logical and he became paranoid that the other was already treating him like an incompetent child, looking down upon him, undermining him.

Still, as the other urged his horse on the young hunter followed suit, pleased and happy once more as Buck eagerly responded to his commands, speeding up when he applied pressure and slowing down at the gentle pulling upon reigns. Being able to ride once more was thrilling and it relaxed the young lad greatly, his grip loosened on the reigns and he was thrilled when it seemed Buck understood or was trained enough to know to follow the other horse. Jerking suddenly when Buck sped up he frowned at the darker male and snatched the stallions reigns up and kicked Bucks side, the stallion kicking of at great speeds after the old man and just as he was catching up Frodo slowed down to a walk and so he followed suit, easing Buck beside the strange male and his steed. “What we do now, ya jolly rodger?” he asked Frodo, making a point to mimick the males strange talk from earlier.

Image courtesy of Jeffrey K. Edwards

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