Yearbook 2011 Superlative Nominations
OK! I tried to go entirely for people who hadn't yet been nominated at least not for the particular category. Which made things hard verging on impossible. But I thought I should post before anybody else goes and makes it even harder!

Most Feminine Male - Micah Sunrise Lykoi

Most Masculine Female - Aeron Ganesa

Most Delusional - Enkiel Lykoi

Most Academic - Myrika Tears

Most Gullible - Dawali Amara

Biggest Softie - Claudius Aston

Biggest Coward - Denver Mathis

Biggest Attitude - Elvira Winters

Worst Workaholic - Naniko D'Angelo

Least Loyal - Matteo Trovato

Least Likely to Find a Mate - Amy Sunders

Most Likely to Deny Your Facebook Friend Request - Itachi Lykoi

Most Likely to Wake Up on Cape Sable Island and Not Know How They Got There - Caprica D'Angelo

Most Likely to Say Something Terrible and Think It's Funny - Eris Eternity

Most Likely to be on a Reality TV Show - Strelein Von Rosnete

Most Likely to go into Politics - Scorpius D'Angelo

Most Likely to Break Up, Get Back Together, Break Up, etc. (couple) - Anann Kelevra + Anatoliy Russo

Most Classic Romance (couple) - Talitha Lykoi + Caillen Winters

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