drifting away
The small woman had been grazing Saol outside the tribe's lands. She had stayed in the unclaimed territories the past night after speaking with a tribe member, seeing that there was no reason to hurry home just yet with two other members to assist in her duties now. She had been focusing on working on her other skills anyways, and visiting the other packs and clans was just part of that. She enjoyed the solitude of the ride across open lands, the quiet peace of not having to worry about the traitors within the clan, and just being with herself.

Her grey lavender eyes turned towards the sky as a soft snow had begun to fall. The featherlight flakes danced around her and the dark hued stallion as it finally settled on the chilly grounds. Saol shook the snow from his mane and snorted in annoyance before he returned to his grazing. Zana's eyes shifted to the golden brown field that was slowly becoming speckled in white, a slight movement catching her attention as she watched the small brown and cream Manx cat emerge from the thick grasses with his own lunch between his maw.

She smiled and shook her head, the small beast chirping in acknowledgement as he dropped the mouse at Zana's paws before beginning to groom his pelt. The luperci woman toed his kill over onto his own paws before she began to wander across the field. She wasn't certain why she still stuck around the tribe, though her duties in a way still were not complete she knew sooner or later she would need to return to her clan.

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