easy pickings
#314 :: We can probably wrap this up after our next round; I think that's all we need to claim the prompt points. Smile

Power was a figurative thing. One could make power as long as others obeyed. A strong man might not lead; Siv had been startled to see a man as tall and imposing as Larkspur following someone as lithe as Sirius. Still, she did not fret over such issues. There was a comfortable pace to life here, and she had begun to settle into it well.

There was little need for brutality in her attack. The dark girl crept out with a huntress’ stealth and pressed her weight down on a pup. Siv had expected it to cry, but perhaps it was already weak and dying. She advanced quickly, moving on four legs despite her Optime form, and soon came to the head of the beast. It had dark, sorrow-filled eyes. Staring into them, Siv understood that the pup already knew it was destined to die. A faint and sad look flickered across her own amethyst eyes as they locked onto those black pools. Her lips moved but no sound came out; she whispered silently to her gods and then raised her hands.

A strong woman because of her size, Siv grasped the baby’s head with no mercy. She clenched her fingers onto places they would not slip, and with a single sharp wretch, cracked the neck. It was a quiet sound, muffled by the girl atop the animal and the fat of the beast itself. There was a slight noise as the death rattle escaped, and then it was gone. Siv was pleased by this and nodded to the girl. “That was not so bad. If you don’t mind, we could try for a few more. I will make you something for your help, if you wish.” Trade was an essential part of this place. Trade established bonds and brought the Family together, and Siv recognized this despite her short time within the place.

Repay treachery with lies

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