Affilation Kinetic
Frodo Silvertongue likes pie

s'all fine. >Big Grin

Frodo had crossed this beach many times, crossed over it’s rocks on his travels. He’d only stopped here, however, once. He remembered the last time he’d been here - a little wolf named Chione had organized lunch for him and they’d traded goods. His original purpose to go there was to relax and think things through, and have a nice day out. Today he came for different reasons altogether. It was not relaxation he sought, not solitude, but he needed a nice open space to train Rohan. He’d lunged her many times over the past couple of days and even rode her yesterday- she was calm with someone on her back and it seemed she had probably been rode before he’d taken ownership of her. Still, the bay needed a lot of work before she went on to her new owner. He could not keep her- Strider was enough for him, but planned to give her on to someone who deserved her. God knew AniWaya wouldn’t miss having a horse gone from its cramped and smelly stables. There were few animal carers in the pack, and too much livestock, it was more than they could handle at this moment in time.

Seeing as he didn’t trust Rohan to take him on her back for very long distances at this moment in time, it was Strider he rode now. The white stallion was beyond frisky in the company of the mare but that could not be helped- at least she was not in season. Frodo rode Strider bareback, with Rohan tied on behind; however Rohan had a saddle and bridle on, so she could get used to the weight and to the feeling of it on her back and head. Plus, the way he taught her included teaching her tacked up riding before learning bareback. The mare was actually taller than Strider, standing at a hefty 17 hands she was quite a beauty. The thoroughbred pranced along behind while Frodo rode his horse along the beach- occasionally they’d spur into trot and sometimes even canter, but for the most part it was a lazy walk. It was when they were walking somewhere between the highway and somewhere between the sea when the curly furred male spotted someone up ahead. Though he could not make the form out properly, he somehow recognized the scent.

Desperately, the man racked his brains for some - any - kind of connection with the thoughts in his head. Naniko… it smelt of her. Could it be? She was far from the pack she ran in Anathema. There was only one way to find out. Soora, Strider. Ela amin, Rohan. he cried out, urging into a canter. He did not yet trust Rohan at a gallop but the canter was hasty all the same. The horses cried out for their wild sides when on an open beach such as the one they were visiting now. Blind to the fact it was not Naniko but her daughter they approached now, he rode until he could see it was a black form and not a white. Still curious though, he rode up to the woman. Yes, she definitely smelt of Naniko. Looking down from his steed he grinned at her wolfishly. Wowee, boys and girls! You be deceivin’ me to be someone else, my girl. he smiled, leaping from his horse gracefully. He was sort of angry to see he was quite shorter than the tall woman but it didn’t change his expression any. You’re smellin’ right like Naniko D’Angelo, you are. What’re you, then, my wise orientar? Her sister, daughter? Lover? Chimney sweep? Personal detective? Assassin? he held out a hand good naturedly, gesturing for her to shake. In his opinion, everyone was a friend until proved otherwise. I’m Frodo Silvertongue. he said simply, pulling his soft cloak around narrow shoulders after she’d either refused or accepted to shake his hand. Jayzus, aint it freezin’ round ‘ere? Wish I had a coat instead a’ this ol’ blankie. Mind you, ‘tis a useful thing, this. Not half.

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