Affilation Kinetic
OOC: Words: 554

Taking the reins, Caprica blinked concernedly down at her hands. So she couldn't hold on or steady herself with anything - it was all in the balance and leg muscles. She'd had a feeling this would be harder than it looked, and it certainly was proving that so far. She shot a resentful scowl at Frodo as he leaped onto the other horse and walked it over to her as if it was nothing, but when his smile met her sulky eyes the jealousy vanished because here she was riding and he was going to teach her to do it, if not as well as he did, then at least enough to get around with. The instructions were suddenly numerous, but seemed easy enough to remember. Except that if she was meant to hold on with her legs and squeezing them meant go - well, Caprica could see problems arising there, but she held her tongue for now. When he told her to leave some distance, she had to bite her tongue for another reason - to stop herself asking if it was because he didn't want her within squeezing distance. He'd reacted quite dramatically to that comment, and she was not above re-using it later to make him squirm again. With this happy idea in mind, she found herself feeling rather confident in her ability to make Rohan follow the other horse. The way to do it had temporarily swum from her mind, but then just as he was getting more like one-and-a-half horse away, she remembered - it was squeezing yet again, wasn't it. Oh, she did like this horse-riding business.

She tightened her lower legs and was rewarded by a jerk of movement from the horse, which had her tilting forward in the saddle for a moment and again wishing for a nice strong back to lean against. But the motion was not fast, and in seconds she had herself upright again and pretty much centred gravitationally. The horse seemed to sway her from side to side a little as she walked, but it wasn't too hard to remain aboard and thankfully the horse seemed to be obligingly going in a straight line without needing to be told. That little extra distance between the two horses was still there, though, and Rohan was really only ambling; she wasn't going to make up the distance like this. On the spur of the moment, Caprica gave her another rather hard squeeze to see if she could garner a faster walk and to her shock saw the bay's head lift in an outraged sort of way before she gave a few steps of trot. It was the most jolting sort of feeling imaginable, thought Caprica as she tried not to be thrown one way or another, but it was so bumpy she was sure she would lose both her stirrups any moment - until to her relief after just a couple of strides Rohan slowed again to a walk, although she was a lot closer to the horse in front than Frodo's instructions had indicated was wise. Caprica cleared her throat, breathless from her jouncing experience. "Uh... Frodo?" she said, guilt lacing her smooth tones. "What's a half-halt?"


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