Underneath the surface

table fixed by J. <3 Big Grin One of the suckiest posts I've had in a while. I'm sooo sorry. :/ Words:392. 3 points.

This was the first time Bambi had ventured this close to another pack's borders. The idea hadn't really interested her at first. But after returning home after her adventure to Halifax, she found that Nana was looking iller and iller.. Some days she'd look alright- Almost healthy. Then on others, she'd look as if she was on her death bed. This time she allowed Nana to stay home, assuring her that she would be back as soon as possible. The cat had resisted at first; but after a while gave in to the dog's persuasiveness.

She had brought along one of her brown rabbits. She had named him Zoom.. For he always seemed to be trying to take off. It wasn't so much that he wanted to get away; he just liked to explore. She couldn't exactly be sure why she insisted on taking him. Part of her wanted to just see if anyone would be interested in adopting him. "What's the harm with having good relations with someone within another pack? Maybe, by bringing a gift, they would be more accepting about the idea of conversing with a stranger.."

She could tell the grey male she saw was not on border control. He did not give off a particular threatening presence from a distance. "But.. You never know." One thing she had learned was that you could never be sure.. "Ever." As she got closer, she realized that he seemed to be talking. Though it didn't seem like he was speaking towards the horse that was nearby. "It would be just my luck to run into someone completely insane." Despite her unsureness, she continued on towards him.

When she got close enough for her quiet speaking to be heard, she spoke to him. She set the wooden cage down carefully.. At this time, she was more unsure then usual. He could easily reject her- She wasn't trespassing, but an aggressive wolf could still consider her fair game. To help put herself at ease, she offered out a paw pad side up. This was her gesture of acceptance. To accept the gesture he would touch his paw to hers, then slide it off. Though it would be okay for him not to understand what she wanted.. Since many may not be familiar with it. "Bambi." She said, looking up at him insecurely.

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