Last kiss

The Witch Doctor
When the voice in your head is your only friend...
Shut out the world and let it all come to an end.

His speech about Rhiannon was heard but she didn't believe a word of it. She believed better of her mate. He was stronger than he thought he was and putting the survival of his mother, himself, even the monster before he'd turned dark, all on some unknown force... but she didn't believe it for a moment. Then, as she was about to correct him, to tell him he'd done all that, that Deuce had survived because she too was strong... he called her a fool and a child and it stung. Torn ears disappeared in tangled blond hair and she visably winced, eyes narrowing.

He went on. He spoke of Liam's insane mother, how he'd failed to protect Tammy and failed to keep Liam out of insanity's grasp. At first, she was going to cave, going to give in...

...and then he snapped at her. Lucifer. She knew that name. It had been mentioned once, but she couldn't for the life of her remember where and who by. Maybe just rumors or talk or--

"No." There it was. That stubborn attitude. "Rhiannon has nothing to do with this, Taliesin. What kind of GOD lets a child die just because she wasn't a follower!?" She was yelling again. "If there is a Rhiannon, then DAMN HER!" Ouch

"Damn her and damn them all! Fuck the gods! They've done nothing but shovel shit into my face my entire life, if they exist at all! Where was this great RHIANNON when my mother died!? When my own sister abandoned me!? When my sons died!?" Yelling? No, now she was screaming. "I've lost too many, TOO MANY, of my family to let myself believe in some fucking undead bitch ruling over us!"

And then it slipped. "Sanja's the proof I need for the spirits and he's the only god damn thing I've got left to protect this family! So help me, if you don't turn your ass around and put Tameri back on her resting spot, I will add your fucking skull to the post with the rest of red marked!"

And then, silence. She hadn't meant it and when she realized her words, she froze, anger vanishing from her face in place of terror. No, I didn't-

A hand reached out carefully and she let out a whine. "Tal... Tal, I didn't mean it..." More kicks. She backed away without trying to touch, stepping aside and lowering her head, holding back a shudder with both hands on her stomach. No more yelling. "...just... just go."

Sky flung her arm towards the way he'd been going and glared at him coldly, though the anger wasn't there. "I don't fucking care anymore. I'm done." And then she closed her eyes and turned her head away, not wanting to look anymore.

I'll wake up in the morning. It's all just a bad dream, right? Tammy's not dead. Tal's not angry at me. I'll wake up and it'll all be over... right?

"You have never been so wrong before in your life, my dear Sky..."

A whimper. "...just... leave me alone..."

WORD COUNT :: 000 || Sky wins at drama queen. x: Just sayin'. Also, Sanja finally says something for once, though not out loud. It's all in her head. ._.

template by revo. <3


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