[M]- we're all a little crazy
Set for the 28th!

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
Sebastian found he was surviving quite well on his own. Many prey animals lurked in the nearby woods, and most of the houses were well insulated. It was a novel experience, sleeping in a different bed every night. It was strangely sad, too; despite how humanity had ruined the earth, carved it with roads and choked the sky, they had achieved wonders. Sebastian didn't know how most of these feats were even possible. Like a mirror.

At the moment he was in an intact house, frowning at the mirror. A precise, reversed replica of himself frowned back. Sebastian twitched an ear. The reflection twitched the opposite ear. For a while he had wondered if an identical wolf was mocking him, but there was only cool glass. Truly, it was a mystery. The Italian spent the next half-hour making faces in the mirror, pretending to leave and jumping back, even going so far as to lick the mirror. The thing was a mystery. Like purified ice or glass, refined into giving a pure reflection back at the world. Or perhaps it was a gateway to a strange realm where everyone's twin lived.

Whatever. Sebastian snorted at his reflection, uncaring of the fogged glass. The cinnamon male turned and considered the trapdoor in the floor. It had been there in plain sight, but he had been distracted by the mirror before investigating further. Now was the time.

It took some effort, but the wooden trapdoor was finally opened. A "light-switch" as he had heard they were called was at the entrance to some stairs that led into forbidding darkness. He had tried many; they never worked. Still, he gave this one a shot. Much to his surprise, electrical lights flickered on underground.

This was enough to make him pause. Electricity was rare, very rare. Gas lamps and other commodities were rare enough. But working electricity? No. Were humans underground? Sebastian took out a dagger, just in case, and descended.

At the bottom of the stairs, the electrical wire revealed its source. A large yellow and orange box, emblazoned with a bolt of lightning. Presumably the source of power. But that wasn't what interested him. What interested Sebastian was the fact that, in the cavernous cellar, there were stacks upon stacks of wine.

Twenty minutes later, Sebastian was settled nicely. A large chunk of deer meat rested on the floor beside him. He was sitting on a bean bag he had dragged from upstairs. He had scrounged up a corkscrew from a dilapidated kitchen and found a wine glass. He had light, he was safe, and he had forgotten to close the door behind him.

Sebastian poured his first glass, taking out a piece of paper and a pencil. Taking a strong gulp of wine, Sebastian began to draw.

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