at night.
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      Set in Dawn's Breath.

When beauty was in season, Endangered by reason

     The night air was crisp and cool, something she had always loved about staying up so late. From her perch on a slanted, smooth rock, she was able to see a short distance around her with the aid of the light from the stars and moon. One of the biggest problems, she had found, with living in Jaded Shadows was the lack of sky. Halcyon Mountain was certainly much better than Ashen Mountain in this respect, for the forest was not quite as thick in many areas. The foliage still made it difficult for her to watch the stars, and thus, she had decided to leave the pack lands to explore a bit and retire where she could watch the sky.

     She laid there on her back with only the sound of the wind to keep her company. It was refreshing- the quiet solitude that could make anywhere one's sanctuary. She smiled, stretching out her arms and wiggling her toes a bit. She shifted over and brought her arms behind her head. All the time, she had been watching the stars.


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