Query and Echo
It seemed as though his attempt to trip the much larger male had succeeded, as Sebastian hadn't noticed the patch of black ice underpaw. Sebastian managed to jump aside before he was struck by Enzo's frantic thrashings and watched with satisfaction as his foe slid back down. He watched with distinct superiority as Enzo fell to his defeat and jumped upwards, directly onto a slick patch of black ice.

Despite his natural grace and athleticism, Sebastian had not had very much experience with snow. His paws slipped out from beneath him and he landed on his side, spinning alarmingly. The lean Italian attempted to regain his balance with a jump forwards, which was accidentally a jump backwards. His paws slipped out once more and he spun until he faced the top of the hill, quickly sliding back down to the snowdrift at the bottom after Enzo. Digging his claws against the ice was ineffectual, and he was powerless to stop his slide downwards, his backside heading straight for Enzo with his tail sticking straight up with indignation at his failure.

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