The Last Supper

Siv understood that a feast was not simply made for the enjoyment of such a thing. Information, ritual, it all carried over when it came to such events. She had made a point to ensure her own appearance was flawless, after of course ensuring her daughter was looked after. All of the children had certain nannies of a sort, and she was glad that she had not brought the girl. For herself, she had bathed in cold water and combed the gray-streaked mane of hair into a billowing sea of glossy waves. The jewel on her head glittered in the firelight, a similar shade to that of her eyes, and far brighter than the triangular design on her throat. She wore only one piece of clothing, and that was the finely crafted leather skirt that helped to ease the cold from the ground, if only slightly.

Unfamiliar with the proceedings, she watched the others for social cues. Sirius was without a doubt the only one who commanded this ring, though Eris was at his side. Siv admired the man’s speaking; he would have been chosen for her life had he been born a woman. The thought made a peculiar smile cross her face, though this faded momentarily at her name. Yet he looked to her, and she forced a soft thing onto her face and bowed her head to him. Inwardly, she was thrilled—and yet even now, carefully calculating, carefully planning.

By the time they were allowed to eat, she was desperate for food and drink. Wine, especially. Yet she ate with practiced control, and made sure to test and savor each strange and uniquely seasoned dish set before her.

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