There's gotta be a better way...

Word Count :: 419 There's the awkward.

It was no secret that Gunnar found not only Jazper, but even his son Lorenzo, just a bit intimidating. They were both a good chunk taller and bigger than he was. They both had tempers, from what he had heard, and they both seemed to dislike his intentions towards Fia. Lorenzo more so than Jazper now, considering that he'd been given their father's blessing to marry the girl, but it was still a terrifying thought that either might actually dislike him enough to hurt him.

So when his knock was answered first by a resounding crunch of drywall breaking inside the room, Gunner felt the life drain out of him. He hoped that it had been something falling over or it was done on purpose for.. renovations, maybe?

Moments later, Enzo's low drawl called out and Gunnar could breath again. Just a Second was far better than 'get the fuck away from my door' or anything along those lines. Maybe I'll actually survive this encounter? He couldn't help but fear for his well-being anyway; there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that he'd be able to stand his own in a fight against someone twice his size.

The door opened a moment later and Gunnar stepped back. Enzo came out and leaned against the wall, arms crossed and expression neutral. Stone colored eyes met the other's dual-colored ones and he felt his blood chill over agian. He forced himself to get over his survival instincts and just... talk.

Eh.. Actually, if I've caught you at a bad time, I can head out. He failed in his raspy voice, a hand going up behind his head in discomfort. I just came by to talk. I noticed you didn't seem very happy with my proposal to Fia at the party... and I wanted to try and maybe... I dunno, really. I don't want to make anyone angry by marrying her. I guess I came here to.. not to apologize, cause I'm not sorry for that... but to.. um... If he'd rehearsed anything prior to coming here, he'd forgotten it now. Gunnar was never very good with confrontation, especially when it was with someone twice his damn height. After some befuddled rambling, he shut himself up and looked up at Lorenzo with an look of obvious discomfort. Great, now he'd just made things awkward. How the hell did women do this!? Talking about feelings and shit. It just... wasn't something guys did, normally. At least, not Gunnar, anyway.

Coding by the Mentors!

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