Thoughtful march along the shoreline

His trek continued, north-bound through the territories of this new place where the final chapter of the tale he and his friends had been weaving for the past year and a half would be written. Lonna had died along the way, as had Muaru and Varn much more recently. Soro and himself were the only ones left...and it was up to them to do this right, to finish the mission they'd been tasked with so long ago. The tales they'd heard about this man suggested that they'd have quite a fight on their hands, but he was aware of the discrepancy in ability between the story-tellers and himself. He wouldn't get careless, but he wasn't going to worry overmuch about those stories yet.

He turned his brown eyes to gaze out across the bay, feeling calm and contemplative as the sun fell further and further down the western horizon. He had spent the night in the dense woods which had been the first territory he'd found in this new land, but those were now behind him, and he planned to look further out across this land, to learn what he could, and prepare for the eventual climax of his journey.

He straightened up and breathed deep the smell of the water, before seating himself down in the smooth sand. He would watch the sunset here, and think to himself before finding a place to sleep for the night. The sun still had a few hours yet in the sky, but he did not want to miss the inevitable fall and final flare of the day. He let his backpack made of human fabrics down onto the sand behind him. His instruments rested within, as well as an image that he held very dear. He would meet up with Soro in a few days time, but until then he could move at his own pace.


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