I've got a pocket full of sunshine.

She didn't know if she could go home yet...if she even wanted to. And she had yelled at Conri for leaving the pak unprotected. Well, at least now she knew that they wouldn't be attacked by the coyotes. She had gone to Gabriel and made a truce with him. A deal, of sorts. They stayed away from Twilight Vale, and Twilight Vale didn't back Dahlia de Mai when the fighting started. It worked well for Twilight Vale, because they didn't want to lose any members...and for Inferni, as well, because Twilight Vale was a large pack. And two entire packs against one coyote clan...those weren't good odds.

Her children were gone, the babies that she and Conri had been hoping for for so long...misscarried. How could she tell him? She should have been more careful, shouldn't have been paying so much attention to Sirius and should have been paying more attention to where she was putting her feet. But nothing could reverse it now.

The two year old sat down beneath one of the trees, looking at the thing that was stuck inside of it. Did it hurt the tree to have that in it? Maybe she ought to pull it out. Naniko put one hand on the spout, tugging on it a little. It wouldn't budge. She tried to pull her hands back, but found them stuck tight, attached to the spout by large amounts of sap that dripped out of the tree. "Oh...fantastic."


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