New year hope.
Analise was first to spot the incoming male and she clutched her younger brother tighter, the war was still fresh in her mind and the scar along her body ached in a most painful way, despite its shallowness it had plunged into several pain receptors and at times spas-med with fake messages of phantom pain. Violet eyes stared out ferociously as the dog looking man came closer. Both of them were taller than him, Analise by half a foot and León by an entire foot plus the whole look of him was that of a traveler. Was this fellow kind to the gypsy family perhaps? Surprise flickered through both of them when it was a language both of them knew well that came from his lips,


"Ciao." A faint whisper of a smile settled itself on León's lips, here was fellow kin from the shores of Europe, from Italy. Where his beloved was from, where half of Analise's blood line came from.


"Qual è il tuo nome, amico? Da dove viene?"[/html] He addressed the man in the language that was almost as familiar to him as the Spanish we we raised knowing.

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