but I'm sure she was in hell
Caspa's brows raised. He had been the one to attack: the one to draw steel. "Nor yours," she snapped. "Rest assured I am as harmless as I look." A small double entendre: she knew her hood and fierce eyes belied her lanky physique, but really, she was no use in a physical fight, unless she could gain some distance and use her poisoned throws. She wasn't even a fast runner, though. Her muzzle lifted, tasting his scent. Was there a trace of Salsola? He might have passed near there and lingered, or he might be a resident in disguise. She knew Denver and the lordly Sirius' scents well enough to pick up on the trace, though. "And I apologise. I had thought you a resident of this town. I think there may be a criminal nest burgeoning here." Odd choice of words, as per usual, denoting her not a native speaker, although indeed her vocabulary was large from academic study. "But perhaps we have friends in common, and are both merely passing through. Will you accept this scenario, or do you wish to threaten me some more?" She had rested her elbows in her palms, legs planted loosely, a relaxed stance to her, but ready to retrieve another knife - this one ready with poison - from a secret scabbard, if he did choose to put a stop to her explanations and conversation prematurely. Those red eyes, indeed, did not - how had he put it - inspire trust.

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