Help! I Need Somebody.
WC: 324

IC: She knew that this was not an easy situation for them because it was so much harder for her. Her heart was set on a boy that was a murderer. He wasn’t completely in control of his actions with the butterflies but not many people could see that. He thought he was doing good when he really wasn’t but at least he tried. Plus, he had never hurt her.

Strel asked what Noss thought and she turned her gaze to him. They both admitted that they didn’t know what to say but they both tried. Noss brought up the issue of her mother and she sighed. ”I do know that she wants me to be happy but safe. And I won’t be happy without him and everyone seems convinced that I won’t be safe with him. She means well.” Her mother might not think that she thought that. ”I think that she thinks I’m doing this out of rebellion. But I tried to get her to see my side and support me.” She closed her eyes and wished for her simpler days as a pup.

Strel then brought up the fact that only her mother could tell her what to do and she’s an adult. ”She thinks that I can’t decide anything on my own and that I shouldn’t live my own life.” She was venting a little but without real anger, mostly just frustration. Then Noss said that if Liam hurt her, he would hurt Liam and she gave him a small smile. ”Thank you for the offer. I’ll keep it in mind.” But she wanted to make sure of something. ”Should I follow my heart or my mom? I don’t want to disobey her but I’ve been taught to follow my heart, mainly by her.” That was actually ironic how her mother taught her to follow her yet was denying her daughter’s heart. She didn’t think her mom would appreciate that though.

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