The misfortunes of hunters

The sound of another person's voice though had her already racing heart leaping into her chest and Gemma cowered a little where she stood. The coyote woman debated just turning and running away but her legs ached and her chest burned, she needed to rest somewhere around here, she wasn't in any condition to run from someone who might chase her thinking she was up to no good. Strings of saliva dribbled from the end of her tongue as she panted harshly. Gemma was a skinny thing and not very fit with her abusive life.

She sniffed at the air and the scent she could gather spoke of pack life and comfort. Loner's didn't smell thus, they smelt more feral and usually with a tint of desperation about them, Gemma should know she had spent her entire life in that state, with desperation and fear clinging to her like a well worn blanket. She no longer reeked so much of that although it had been only hovering about her in fading waves, with her leaving AniWaya it was now creeping back up with fresh scents taking the place of the old.

She couldn't see who it was that hd called and so called out herself blindly into the surrounding foliage,

"Hello? I'm Gemma. Who are you?"

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