Aimlessly Wandering
Kota nodded in agreement and looked out over the water that he had fallen into multiple times; a chill ran over him at the thought of its cold touch. His eyes turned back to the wolf beside him and he grinned "its not that i don't like living in the old human man buildings...its many around me; i like my space. I did spot a villiage i may try and an old windmill. However i think the windmill may need work before i chance a stay in it" he chuckled at that.

Kota did wear some resimblence to clothing but it was more for his own mental comfort then protection against cold or anything; he would soon lose the loin cloth when summer would come and the cloak he would retire when he felt safe in these lands.

Another chuckle emited from Kota at Oaks assumption "that i do indeed..its easier to know whats around you and a quick way to get away from or toward whatever may be there" again the black wolf smiles. Maybe he had made himself a new friend in Oak? then again this could just be idle banter and be nothing more then an acquantence. He really hoped it was the first one.

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