My hope lies on the floor
314 WC

Aeron was getting ready to leave the stables though she didn’t want to. The smell of horses and the other animals the Leon cared for was heavy in this place. She didn’t want a soul to know that she was here. Io was annoyed enough about Aeron getting hurt that she did not need another lecture. She patted her horse one last time getting ready to go out and train. She sighed as she heard a sound coming from behind her. She was waiting for either Io’s stern voice to tell her to get back to bed or it to be Leon.

She had not gotten the chance with the Spaniard said but one word. She felt almost like a child who had been caught outside past bed time. She turned slightly to look at him as she smiled. “Well hello” She said trying not to act odd or anything. Though what came next was a sad and desperate plea. “Please don’t tell Io I can’t sit still any longer.” She said as she looked at him and then way.

She was feeling like such a child but she really did not want to be at home a minute longer, at least not in the home. She watched the man as she moved towards him she could swear he was angry at her or something but she couldn’t seem to place a finger on it. “Did you run here to hide for a bit too?” She asked knowing that the bear attack had caused him more injury then her. She’d been slammed into the wall which had caused dislocation of her should be he had been knocked around a bit. She moved closer to him “Oh and thank you I noticed Elzar is no longer stained with my blood.” She said assuming that the male had given the horse a bit of a bath.

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