My hope lies on the floor
sorry for being a herp derp

He was confused and didn't like it. Himself and Aeron had never really interacted much before this moment and he had received the very correct sense that she disapproved of himself and wanted him removed from the picture. He had grown used to being unwanted, in this house and in this pack even the leadership would see the end of him, if Alaki had anything to say. He twisted as she suddenly snarled at him, his own lips curling back slightly to reveal sharp teeth until she revealed the reason for her anger then they were re-covered. His expression slid to surprised before sinking back into its dark humor,

"I am doing my job, I have no worth here other than this, I have healed before in the past and I will do so again." Anger seemed to remove much of his accent rendering his voise an almost emotionless tone despite the anger plain upon his face. The situation again mocked him, here they were griping at each other over something that didn't matter. She came closer to him and the male backed away from her, he didn't appreciate the rug being pulled out from under his feet and all the rules changed in one stroke. He could handle resentful Aeron, unforgiving Aeron who made it pretty clear that she disliked him, now for her to suddenly change her stance it was unnerving and the man's eyes were wide with something that could almost be considered fear but wasn't quite that.

She wouldn't stop following him an d the man's ears ears pulled back against his head, blackness boiled up inside of him but he refused to unleash it upon the golden coyote, he was trying to get away from her but she wasn't letting him,

"No help, I don't need help." Was it really that? He would easily accept help from Analise or even Xyza so why did he refuse it from Aeron, she was part of the same family was she not? It was because he did not want to let the walls he had built between them be knocked down only to have her go back to her man hating, uncaring self. Indifference he could deal with but switching back and forth between that and appearing to care would be the cause of much pain for him and he saw the trap waiting to spring, maybe she wouldn't even realise she was ding it but he was so so sure that she would. Anathema had changed him for the worse, he was a bitter man now and darkness resided inside of him where it had not before.

His nostrils flared as Aeron tried to refute his statement that Io hated him, and he barked with laughter, humorless and sarcastic again. "You know as well as I do that she had no care for me, only for you and Analise. I am just an unwanted addition." There was no self pity in his voice for he did not pity himself anymore, he had stopped that after he had realised it got him nowhere, the male flinched and moved his head backwards out of her reach as she made to touch his face, a mask of undisguised defiance still remaining upon it.

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