come all ye traders
Rain had decided to venture forth and find someone that would want his crafts. He had left Sam a note and left with Lux on the back of Keno. He had loaded the stallion with as much stuff as he and the horse could carry and left Anathema to a different pack close by. He hoped to trade some of his jars and things, maybe give them away to who ever needed them. He had so much stuff just waiting to be taking in his den. It wasn't being taken by his pack mates so he figured that he might as well find someone who would want the stuff.

He traveled for a few hours and came upon a packs boarders. He howled his presence and gave a sleeping Lux a gentle lick. She had grown so much and he had grown rather fond of the child. He loved her like his own even though he knew she was a hybred. She looked up at him sleepily and yipped softly, her large ears swiveling as they took in her surroundings. She looked up at him and smiled softly. She liked meeting new people.

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