Eg rømde rædd; men stundom maa eg sjaa deg att.
<style type="text/css">#vesle2 b{color:#000000; font-family:calibri, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;}</style> ... prite2.png); background-position:top left; background-repeat: no-repeat;"> Location: north in Etheral Eclipse, in old DdM land (Demon's Trail)
The creatures she speaks to and I reference are all imaginary
WC: 319

So preoccupied was she, that she had not noticed the stranger's scent, nor heard him approach. Her senses were tuned on to a different focus, searching, moving and speaking softly with her companions who jumped with ease through the brush around her, never even startling a leaf. But her body was not as delicate as theirs, and she made a ruckus moving through her surroundings. She stood there in the clearing oblivious to anything but the low mutterings of the vette, and his indications as to where to go next. He gave a dance in the tall weeds and grass, playfully keeping his secrets from her, and the female mumbled hopeful questions in strange words at him. Soon, Vesle knew she would find her mother's remains; these ones would lead her right, and then she would claim them as her own.

Startled at the sound of a stranger's noise, she twisted in a flash, alert and suspicious. How had he come so close? How had he managed to approach her without her noticing? Nevertheless, her tail was raised in a clear display of dominance, and the confusion she felt upon spotting his companion did not lessen her uncertainty. His intention of not startling her had backfired, and she was all wariness and on edge. The creature at her feet cackled and ran off, further distracting her. She looked at it and shouted a plea for it to stay before it disappeared in the bushes, and she turned her attention back to the male in front of her. "I was fine," she said, narrow-eyed and her voice cold and hostile. He'd just ruined a good thing by scaring the vette off. "What do you want?" Her stance remained alert, ready to attack - or flee - at any moment should he pose a threat. She did not trust males who could move through her forests without a sound and scent. ... prite3.png); background-position:bottom right; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

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