Eg rømde rædd; men stundom maa eg sjaa deg att.
<style type="text/css">#vesle2 b{color:#000000; font-family:calibri, arial, tahoma, sans-serif;}</style> ... prite2.png); background-position:top left; background-repeat: no-repeat;"> My turn to be slow, so ;D

He reacted to her liking, at least. Once he shrunk and sat, she glanced once more behind her shoulder, to see if she could find out where the vette had leapt, but there was no sign of him. The gray lady muttered cursewords under her breath, and her cold irises returned to the male in front of her as he explained himself. "You did not frighten me," she proclaimed, almost with childish stubbornness. "I was just caught unawares, that's all." It sounded much better the way she said it. Even she had not noticed the scent of blood, and she glanced around her as if checking if there was blood, though she found nothing. Her stance remained the same, and her arms were puffed up, claws on her hands still ready to grab him if she felt there was need. Or, of course, to just leap in another direction and flee. Whichever worked.

She was almost thawing enough to straighten her spine from the battle-ready stance she held when she spotted another of the vette, giggling in a screeching voice as he flew across the ground right in front of her, exiting the clearing to the left of her as soon as he had come. Her head followed him and her eyes widened when she spotted him, but there was no time for reacting properly. Vesle was too distracted by the male's presence. She muttered again in disappointment as the cackle of the creature dissipated. "Whatever you thought— can't you see this lady is busy? Huh?" Really. What was his point anyway? Sneaking up on her like that, and now another vette had just taunted and escaped her. How incredibly annoying. ... prite3.png); background-position:bottom right; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

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