another day, another discovery
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Ahahaha and I love it! And no… I did not put it on her profile *shifty eyes* :3

He told her he did not taste the berries and she let it slid without her normal rain of questions, she did not like this topic. It just made her remember the taste of the berries, awful and very distasteful. She shivered lightly but not out of the cold, no she shook lightly because she could taste the berries again. Yuck! They were so horrible to eat but at least they made a pretty paint. Her attention when back to her dark colored friend, a soft smile twinkling in her eyes as he looked at the glass jar.

She would have giggled had she been a normal girl with his comment of wanting the piece of cloth to look like her magenta ribbons. Her fingers simple fluttered to the silky stings to acknowledge what he was saying and to make sure they were still there, today was her first time testing out the ribbons. Thinking that during the winter they were a suitable replacement for her beloved flowers, they made her vibrant hair more colorful without dying it like she had with her mother’s blonde locks. ”Well it looks nice.” She stated, lightly bringing her fingers to touch the cloth before her dropped down to the snow to draw on its glittering white surface.

”What are you going to draw? Flowers? I love flowers.” her voice remained in its normal state of no emotion as her eyes sparkled with excitement. She really did love her flowers, missing them more than anyone could imagine. When her flowers that Lorenzo gave her died she felt part of her heart die with them. They were not only the last thing she had of the large boy but they were her last window to the colors of spring. She wanted them back though she nearly gasped when he squiggled over his flower drawing, wanting to see more of it before it was erased in the malleable canvas.

She watched as he did a poor rendition of her though she did not feel like criticizing it because she found the gesture rather sweet. He tried to draw her; no one had ever done that. She found herself finding this man an instant friend, giving him a small wag as a reward of making her happy. Her eyes sparkled as she moved to look at it better, it was not that good but she adored this picture and wished it was on paper and not something like snow.

”I love it.” She stated, though her voice showed none of her love. Instead she looked at him and let her eyes do her talking. Showing the love of her drawing and happiness that it was of her. ”No one has ever given me a picture before.” She told him truthfully, stupid snow would melt and take her picture away.

div class="wc">(WORD COUNT — 604)


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