Where there's trouble...

Teo's goin' crazy. :o Gonna try and use all of my crazy teo tables in this one. XD +359

The sound of approaching hooves didn't break him from the babbling, the constant murmurs of half-familiar speech above him. Crows, crows, crows... everywhere, all over the place, all of them watching, waiting, ready for him to make his move. Always a step ahead of him. Always there, always mocking him for his pain. Crows, crows, crows...

"Hey, what are you doing here? You'd better have a good reason." A voice.

Not a crow. Not a bird. A person. A wolf. Wolf. Evil, vile creature, as bad as the crows. Dual-colored eyes shot around to look at the one addressing him and at first, there was no humanity there. Feral gaze settled first on the horse. A horse was speaking to him? No, not a horse. The rider. Aeron. He knew her. Aeron. The woman who'd lived near him once. In the caves. Anathema. She was a part of that place. Evil. Bad.

The babbling stopped. The sounds faded and the pain finally ebbed away. Realization overcame him and he backed away, hackles lifting dangerously and teeth flashing out from behind pale lips. I'm not on your territory. I owe you no explanation. He spat defensively, obviously not the same timid thing he'd been during his time in Anathema. The tattoos, the new scars, the bruise... so obvious under pale fur.

Then common sense kicked in and he flattened his hackles. ...sorry, Aeron. I hold no spite against you. He murmured, sitting up a bit, ears flat. This place is a nightmare for me. I don't know why I'm here, but I never meant to cross the borders. Lies in the end, but well told ones. The words he spoke sounded honest, as always. A liar he'd never been before leaving Anathema. Now, it was a part of his demon, his nightmare, his everything and his nothing. Lies, all of it, lies. He wasn't even sure what was the truth anymore. ...you're hurt. No concern, no pity. Just a statement, flat and uncaring. What happened? Uncaring and flat, emotions hidden, turmoil still raging in his mind. The babble was starting to whisper again. Damn those birds.

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