[M] Bring this promise to me

Asinine it should have been that her sole happiness was tied so closely and leaned as heavily it did upon his own but it was not to be, familiar as she was with having only herself to keep herself tall she had grown to cherish the bracer of his companionship and later in their relationship, his love too. They had developed from wary strangers into the new growth of friendship upon finding they had interests similar despite coming from homes so far away, the values of family and morals of right and wrong were strong within both, and an unspoken as well as unrealised attraction had drawn them closer.

Over two years it had been now since they had first met on that frosty morning somewhere close to the former Canadian border, a million light years away from their current home and situation it seemed. Would she had ever thought the quiet stranger she had bumped into literally would help her bring new life to the world, no was the answer. Had she even thought it but a year ago? Again no was the answer. It had taken flurries of snow to bring the two of them together at last. Unlike her first giggle of fun her second noise of humor was a deep husky exhalation of breath, with only two or three hitches within it, just enough to count it as actual laughter.

"Nor me."

His black limb settled onto the light grey of her shoulder like a bird coming in to roost, it would not be removed from its perch. The light touch followed down her arm, traversing the grey as it darkened from silvered to deep ashen and her self control went with it, leeching from her body, seeking to escape the warm chocolate of his gaze. The breath that left her was short and shallow and drenched in longing for him. Her tail did a happy little dance against the furs that covered the old bed which creaked underneath their combined weight. His kiss left her dizzy and even more breathless which she wouldn't have thought possible. A soft almost purr came from her chest, if this were all a dream and she were asleep somewhere still on her own in the wilderness then she never wanted to wake up, she would gladly waste away into nothingness to preserve this.

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