I'll wait with a stake in my heart
[html]Blaise, back-dated

There was a great sadness within her. The eldest Dreamer nodded at the words of her autumn hued son. He had not wished to say the words, that was obvious, but she had taught him to speak the truth. Or had it been that Anu hadn't wanted to hear them? A thin hand was placed on Oak's strong shoulder. He mirrored her sadness, and asked her if she wished for him to bring her to them. Anu wavered. The young pup had said that she had been ill, and though it was the word of a innocent mind Anu had to take it seriously. She declined the offer and instead asked him to bury the remains, for scavengers has already placed their hand on her, beneath the nearest tree where she had fallen. And to mark it.

The red boy agreed and left her with the much harder task. The old mother went to the garden, the plain habit that would keep her warm draped over her Optime form. She settled in a place where she could often be found, and let out a call that would have attracted any pup in the manor and further. There was only one that she knew would be lingering, exploring the new lands her mother had led her to. Then she waited, the silence leaving her to ponder the words that she would speak once Blaise found her in the frosted garden.


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