The Years Fly By
His eyebrows arched as his brother spoke, his expression changing with each tidbit of news. As his brother asked how things were going for him, he spoke again. "I'm the Protettore of D'Arte, it's a council position. Basically, I'm second to the leader, along side my mate. Her name is Sky, and we're expecting our first litter. During the war, when Sky was a captive in Aniwaya, I adopted a pup named Tameri." He hesitated for a moment, then continued in a rush. "Liam is disturbed, he killed her. Tore her to shreds. We were all too late to stop it... I did something that seems stupid now, but it was all I could do, I begged them to spare Liam, to exile him. I had just lost my daughter, I couldn't bear to see the same thing happen to him."

He pushed his hands into his pockets, biting his lip as he looked away from his older brother. "Like I said, it was stupid to do... anyways, the leader, Skye Collins, listened to my plea and had Shawchert spare him. I swore if I saw him around the pack again, I'd kill him myself. I meant it. I would kill him if I saw him, and I hope anyone else who knew of his crime would do so too. All this happened the day after we found out my mate was pregnant, Tami was so excited to be a big sister." The sorrow in his eyes, the bitterness in his voice, told how he felt more than words could.

"I stayed with mom for a week or so, over Christmas. She and Soran are back together. Do you remember Soran? Anyway... She and Soran are mates now. Soran is a beta in the newest pack up north, New Dawn. I'm sure mom will work her way back to a higher position, maybe some medic type position." He laughed for a moment. "I'm a medic too, here. So is my mate." Tal was rambling.

He paused for a moment. "I'm a Protettore, but I don't much know how to fight beyond our sparring when we were littler, and not shifting. Maybe you could teach me, Jaz?"


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