Princess, in my country I'm called a Queen
pp too jsut to make the conversation smoother

The history of Casa di Cavalieri was brief and not very interesting but he tried to make it so. They hadn't had any wars or any kind of drama really. Enxo insisted the only drama whores that had occupied Casa was standing right in front of him. Sebastian had laughed at that and maintained that it was drama queen not drama whore, complete difference really. Even the loud footfalls of Jazper coming to interrupt their conversation did not put a damper on his mood. Although he felt momentary confusion as the foxy male and his father greeted each other but quickly recovered from it, it wasn't strange really that they would have met.

"Jazper." He said with a nod of his head. The once boy but now man had eclipsed his father in height and size in all three forms. Enzo had finally stopped growing at a mind staggering 8 foot five inches tall. Jazper held more mass than he did but mass could easily become a hindrance in a fight. Great arms folded themselves up

Eh want meh ta show him aboot. Eff that's alreet wi' yahself?"

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