The cracks begin to show
[html] aw, one please ... where Shiloh Hills & Ethereal Eclipse meet

Anu had grown weary, a feeling she had risen with in the morn's Sun. She felt the need to venture beyond. Beyond the borders that had protected her since the war. It was something she needed to leave behind, but the scars were still so visible. Along her neck, as well as in her heart. The wolfess needed to place it in the past, where all the old harmful things went to die. They were left to grow dust, to crack and crumble, or to disappear. Which ever they wished, for Anu did not want to think of them once again. But the scar was there, along her neck and seen by anyone that glanced in her direction. It was not that she was vain, for she had never thought of herself as beautiful. Instead she feared one would ask her how it came to laced across her neck, or that they would not allow her to forget...

The she-wolf covered the frozen ground quickly, with a trot that might surprise those that knew her age. Yet her body was still built for the ways of her species, the ability to travel many miles each day. Through the Hills that surrounded the pack lands, beyond the forests that kept her pack safe and the lake that they called theirs. Her nose directed her, and she followed the trail of prey, but it was a dead track. She was exposed in the wood-less landscape, and headed for the tree-line. The trees would protect her, as they always had. So much so that two springs ago she had named her three sons after particular species.

Once the ground had been covered, the gray and tan wolfess blending in with the trees and slightly shadowed snow cover. The air was brisk, but not so sharp that it pierced through her winter coat and to her skin. Idly she wandered, thoughts absorbing the scents and sights of the ground before her.


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