The cracks begin to show
Merlin groaned a sigh of relief to know that the wolf wouldn't hurt him while he was down. He lifted his hand to his head and tried to rub out the pain. Once he felt like he could breathe normally he spoke, "I'm alright, I think." He dug his arms into the ground and raised his upper body up. He looked over at the wolf to find they were a female, the she-wolf looked older than he was. He attempted to shift his legs, but rejected the attempt on the pain that struck up his right leg. He clenched his teeth together to stop him from crying out in pain. He was almost certain his leg was broken, or twisted at the very least.
He reached his arm down toward his leg to feel for the centre of pain. It wasn't coming from his leg, but from his foot. He moved his left leg out the way and slowly lifted himself to a sitting position, trying not to move his right leg. He looked down at his foot, it didn't look out of place, but when he touched the sole of his foot, he quickly moved his hand back. He had defiantly cracked the bone in the sole of his foot. No other injury would hurt like that. For a moment he panicked, how would he get back to shelter? Even with his layers of clothes, he'd soon freeze or starve. But then he remembered that he wasn't alone, he looked over at the she-wolf; she might be able to help him at least get under shelter. "I think I've broken my foot." He called over in a croaky voice, he may have got his breath back but his throat still hurt from the impact.

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