Charmed in her embrace

OOC here! :: Word Count → 371

He felt bad after the fact, when his laugh made her look so...down-trodden. He attempted a smile to make up for it, trying to convey that he wasn't being mean; her question had merely startled him, and the surprise had made him react in perhaps not the best way. As he gave his explanation, though, she perked up, and had possibly learned a secret already, as she had a sudden look of understanding in her eyes. He leaned back against the horse as he spoke, and when he was finished, watched her take it in. He grinned again when she asked her question, and nodded, shrugging a shoulder elegantly.

"Only works if want to be a gypsy." He explained, reaching out to rummage in his bags for a moment before coming up with his bandana. He used it to tie back his mane, as the wet mop was beginning to get in the way while it dried. "But yes, if wished, I could share secrets, and we be gypsy together." He grinned a bit, feeling a little pang of loneliness at the thought. Even if she'd wanted to--and something in her expression belied the fact that she didn't, really, but was only curious--it would be nothing like home. There had been so many of them then, and so many secrets between them all that no one really knew everything, no one but the Elders, and he'd never made it that far. Still, it made him smile that she was at least curious.

At her second question, he raised his eyebrows, and countered, "Do you?" As her expression had gone suddenly wise and mysterious, and he knew better than to trust that. Admitting the number of secrets he knew was admitting he knew secrets at all, and though he'd told her the Romani were made with secrets, he hadn't actually told her anything about how it was done. There were rituals, too, other tests that made you prove your mettle, and the secrets were really only a veil that hid the deeper meaning behind what was the Romani. They were a society that would never turn on each other, and yet constantly spied on one another, forever contradictory.

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