aurora borealis

The night was calm, and breezeless. It was still cold, as it was winter, but the sky looked a little brighter than usual. It was strange, and Rio had the urge to look around for a patch of trees that weren’t in the way. Was it a full moon? She had been out in full moons before, and the night sky didn’t look like this.

Finally, the trees began to thin out a little bit, and she could see from a distance that the strange light was coming from the Northern Lights. It was a spectacle she had heard of before, but never actually ever seen. herself She watched what she could of the spectacle as she ran on four legs to try to find a cliff to peer out over. She smelled the scent of another, but it didn’t worry her too much.

Finally, she found a spot, and another. She slowed her pace, and began to walk toward the thinner trees and the other female that had obviously lost herself in the sight. Rio came up behind the femme, a little to the side, giving her room to freak out from her sudden appearance, just in case she might. Rio said nothing to her, but gazed out to the sky in awe, ”It’s beautiful…” She was talking to the other, who seemed to know more about whatever this really was. She wondered where the lights came from because they didn’t seem to come from anywhere but the air.

She looked away from the spectacle and toward the white femme some ways away from her, ”Hi.” Rio wasn’t shy, and she wasn’t afraid, but she did like to avoid confrontation with others since fighting really wasn’t her thing. If this femme showed her any signs of aggression, she might be in trouble. Rio was able to take care of herself, but she wasn’t too good at it. ”I’m Rio.”

Word Count: 320

Points: 3

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