Down came a blackbird

Word Count → 379 :: No worries! Smile Assumed he was probably singing in Russian, but I can fix if I was mistaken

The Greek woman had been here in the city for about a week now and she was starting to know it's spider-web layout better and better. Of course, that still didn't make her quite pleased with her situation; thoughts of torturing Damianos still flitted frequently through her mind. But for whatever else she was, Ariadne was a survivor and always tried to make the best of even the shittiest situations. At least she had fallen in to an acceptable arrangement right off the bat. Barrett had not only proven a good lay, but had offered her a place to stay as well. She hadn't really gotten to know the other housemates that shared the compound well yet, but if Barrett thought they were worth his time she was inclined to trust the wolf's judgement.

Today though, she had woken feeling particularly lonesome for the ship and Mother Greece. Ari had grabbed one of her precious few bottles of ouzo (at least Damianos had left her that small kindness) and had headed out to wander the city on her own. This Halifax must have been quite the sight in its prime, she thought as she took small swigs of the anise-flavored drink. It was still something to behold now, she supposed, even if the picture was more than a little desolate and sad. Nothing would ever compare to the beauty of Crete though. Ariadne had been to many amazing places, but nothing would ever outdo her home.

Soon a distraction reached her ears though as the sound of a lute and singing came wafting through the dusty air. Intrigued, the Cretan followed the sound. As she grew closer she was able to pick up on the language: Russian. It was not a tongue she was completely fluent in, but she surely knew enough to get by. It seemed she was not the only soul in this place to be far from home. When she finally made her way to the minstrel a toothy grin lit up her slender face. "Поздравления, товарищ!" she said, throwing out her arms. Ari remembered the human Russians had called each other that at some point in history. Who knew if the canines there now did the same, but what the hell, why not give it a shot?

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