[M] Protectiveness
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


Fore-Dated to the 13th.

Word Count → 500

Neela moved onwards as quickly as she could, her nose twitching as she followed the Kiara's scent trail. Neela's encounter with Kiara's attacker had been disappointing in one way, as any lost fight was, but satisfying in another; Neela remembered the few knife strikes she had gotten in on the blonde bitch fondly.

The aftermath of the fight had left Kiara in Neela's mind however, so after a day of resting she had set out from her home, looking for and then following a scent trail from Kiara; intending to check up on the white wolf and see how she was before Neela left the territory in a few days time.

Neela wasn;t a particularly pleasant sight to see. Her left arm and stomach were both heavily wrapped in bandages, the white fabric wrapped as tightly as Neela could manage herself; she had gone into something of a self imposed exile and Kiara would be the first living thing she had seen in days other than Grynn. Both bandages were leaking to some degree; the stomach bandaged were decorated by small flecks of red while those over the more serious wound on her arm were soaked crimson and dripping occasionally, the wound healing slowly through Neela's insistence on moving about so much.

Last was her face. Much of the swelling had gone down aside from the finishing blow, that to her eye, which had left the flesh around her eye swollen and impairing her vision, deeply bruised beneath her fur. The inside of Neela's muzzle was also covered in scabs and occasionally bleeding from where a blow had knocked the skin into her teeth; occasionally a small drop of blood dribbled down from this.

Still despite her wounds Neela moved swiftly through the streets of Trenton, where the scent trail had lead her, and showed visible signs of discomfort. Moving about and functioning through pain was a skill that Neela had acquired early in life; it had been necessary for survival with her mother. The though brought a flash of memory to mind; crawling on the ground for scraps of food at six months old, ignoring the pain of broken ribs, but Neela quickly shook her head to clear the memory away and focussed on the task at hand.

Neela was alone, Grynn had been acting oddly the past few weeks and had refused to leave Neela's house ever since her nest had been set up, and was only now finding out how much she actually relied on Grynn for tracking; supplementing scents by having the little bird scout out logical paths of progression from the air.

Still despite her lack of skill Neela had managed to follow the scent to what, from the mess of scent tracks going in every direction, was the house where Kiara made her home. Unsure of whether to enter or wait Neela simply lifted her head and howled quietly, calling out to Kiara wherever she was, her soft voice echoing melodiously in the air.

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