[M] [DND] I am capable of really anything
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
set for the 3rd of March!

Sebastian had spent much of his time transporting his wine back to Casa di Cavalieri. Now, for some indefinable reason, he was trekking along that same route once again. His paranoid streak insisted he had forgotten something, or he'd dropped a match, or left behind an entire wine rack.

Stubborn streak fully active and red-hot from overuse, the lean Italian hiked back to Halifax City. The good part of all this travel was that he had developed new leg and shoulder muscles from hiking with a heavy pack. The bad news was that it was boring and physically exhausting to get to Halifax and back to Casa within a day.

Until then, Sebastian trudged through the snow to get his wine from the secret basement in Halifax City. The electricity-maker had decided to stop working months ago, so he'd need to find his way in the darkness until he could reach the candles and few matches he had managed to save.

He stepped down the trapdoor cautiously, taking each step carefully until he reached the bottom and groped blindly for the matches. The weak flame that appeared barely made a dent in the darkness until the artisan lit several candles he'd stashed around the place. They were burning down, but each would certainly last several more hours. The seat cushion and bean bag he and Light had had some fun on were still there, as were two wine glasses the Italian had taken down.

It was surprisingly warm in the cellar. What harm could a short break cause? Sebastian left his empty satchel, his bow and quiver of arrows beside the cushion and laid down for a rest. He poured some fine wine into a glass and took a sip before he settled down, snuggled into the bean bag and had a nap.

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