Burning a bridge of gold

Her aged eyes took in the both of them, and she felt a tad tired as well as a little upset. They thought she would hurt them? That she would destroy the perfect little family they were trying to make of themselves. The hybrid sighed and rubbed her face with an ashen paw that was missing a finger. The feeling of the stump prompted her to raise her similar finger lacking other paw, the badges of pride she had forfeited for revenge and the avengement of her family, of them all, the missing inch and a half of her tail as well. Was it worth it, had it been worth it? Yes.

Her attention snapped back to her fearful children and wished that they were small again so that things could be simple. where a soothing song and a hug would make everything better for them. Honrin her son, he was so brave. Placing himself directly in the line of fire, standing between his mate, for all intents and purposes and the threat, her. She remembered all so clearly doing the same when they were young, a falcon and a sooty coated girl and an apologetic collie dog. If it had been needed she would have torn the pair of them to shreds just to keep her daughter safe,

"I am not mad. I'm not going to hurt you or them. How could I? You are all my babies." Her voice was slow, soothing and calm. Her body the same so, tail even going so far as to wag slightly. Her mouth was pulled down though, down into a hurt frown that they would think such of her. It was painful to see her children so afraid of her, like Shiloh was, like Argul had been before she had killed him, like so many others that flashed before her eyes, some of the faces without names and others names without faces. She was not a monster.

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